End of May 2014 and Gill has finally had her book published by Cico, and it has apparently already sold 9,000 copies and has now gone into a second print run! It's quite a weighty tome. Perfect maybe for a jolly Christmas gift for that middle-aged, middle-class, indigo-linen-layered-leggings-sandal-wearing, arty auntie in your life..!?!
"Having worked for years to strict deadlines and many a harsh brief in the speedy-needy world of advertising and design, in both London and Norfolk, Maddy started all over again, indulging her love of art and making.
There is everything that Maddy could possibly need to pursue her creative journey.....her desk...under the window, is surrounded from floor to ceiling by a swirling assortment of natural and hand-made objects....a delicious, tempting chaos of items..." Gill Heriz
^ Doll posed on chair? white tube poking up mid-shot? use of flash photography? :- ...not my choice !!
- ah well - musn't groan, it feels very good to be in a Proper Big Successful Book.
- ah well - musn't groan, it feels very good to be in a Proper Big Successful Book.

< ...and a slightly insipid, bleached out image of the outside on the back cover!!

(click on all images to enlarge/read blurb)
.......as featured in "The Lady" magazine!! >
"When the idea for my book, A Woman’s Shed, arose, I keyed in the words ‘women’s sheds’ on the internet, which led to the digital universe scratching its patriarchal head. The initial response was that ‘shed’ meant losing weight.
A second attempt brought the reply, ‘Did you mean “men’s sheds?” No, I did not! I tried again. ‘Did you mean “women’s shoes?” Gill Heriz
< original old shot of shed keys
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